The Vineyard
Founded in 2017, our Vineyard was the first big endeavor at Cinderbreeze. As lifelong wine-enthusiasts, there is nothing more exciting than being able to grow our own organic grapes, free from preservatives and common chemicals found in most wines on the grocery store shelves. Check out our journey along the way!

Phase 1: Delivery Day!
In April 2017, we received our first shipment of vines (both in grafts and rooted) from Virginia. Our trusty UPS driver brought us our 200 Vidal Blanc vines, 50 Chambourcin vines, and 400 Norton vines.
It was extremely important to us that our families were involved in the vine planting process to make sure everyone left their mark. We had each of our family members come by to plant their own row. And had a ton of fun doing it, of course!

Phase 2: Planting Time

Phase 3: Watch Them Grow
Phase 4